Heading for Inclusive School in Europe


The “Heading for Inclusive School in Europe” Erasmus+ project aims at providing teachers and staff in charge of disability with educational tools and organizational proposals designed to facilitate and optimize the accommodation and learning of pupils with special educational needs (SEN) in regular classes.

These productions can be consulted and downloaded online on this site.

There are 3 of them:


Production 1: :

A training module whose logic corresponds to a progressivity of educational actions, which are articulated in 3 cores:


Section D for
Define and Delimit:

It is a matter of properly framing the meaning one wants to give to the word inclusion, by avoiding both pitfalls of forced assimilation leading to an educational deadlock or, conversely, of exaggerating the pupil’s difficulties leading to its management by specialized organizations.


Section  R for

It is a matter of introducing a serene atmosphere in the classroom which is conducive to learning. This will require reassuring SEN pupils and their classmates, teachers in charge of these pupils, their parents and other pupil’s parents.

Section E for
Educate and Evaluate:

This is the most consistent part of the module.Each core is supported by downloadable online resource sheets that reflect the existing situations, identify needs, map developments and draw perspectives.


Production 2 :


At least 100 educational sheets.

These sheets, although closely tied to the module, constitute a separate production insofar as they can be used for SEN pupils but also for dropout pupils or pupils with learning difficulties. This production should be developed in the perspective of the project’s sustainability.


Production 3 :


Among the resource sheets will be selected those that describe good practices in terms of organization, evaluation, pedagogy, or actions aiming at changing the view on disability.

This selection will constitute a compendium of good practices which can be consulted and downloaded online.