Heading for Inclusive School in Europe

Transnational Meeting: 23 to 25 October 2017 Montechiarugolo Parma IT

The fourth transnational meeting took place in Montechiarugolo from 23 to 25 October 2017 during the "Festa della Storia" in Parma.
On the program, work on the project and conferences open to the public as well as class visits to the Istituto Comprensivo de Montechiarugolo which is part of the national network "Scuola Senza Zaino"

The program of the fourth transnational meeting during the "Festa della Storia" of Parma, IT





Fourth transnational meeting
of  the 
Strategic Partnership/ 
School Education


Erasmus +


"Cap sur l'Ecole Inclusive en Europe"












On October 23, 2017, a warm welcome from Marianna Rusciano, Director of the Istituto "Crecope Barilli" and a series of conferences of great richness

The conferences "A school for all", included in the program "Festa della Storia Parma" took place in the meeting room of Hotel delle Rose, in Monticelli TermeThe European delegations were welcomed by Marianna Ruscianno, Director of the Istituto Comprensivo - "Cecrope Barilli" - Montechiarugolo, Daniele Friggeri  Mayor,  Paolo Fabbri and Fiorenza Copertini of the Cultural Association.


"Festa Internazionale della Storia - Parma"

"Scuola Senza Zaino" at the Istituto Comprensivo "Cecrope Barilli" Montechiarugolo: a model that gives an alternative response to diversity and inclusion


..in classrooms, there are pictograms everywhere, the schedules of the day are visual for all students, classes are arranged in spaces, working hours and workshop organizations are free to act on the motivation of the students. students, learning paths are differentiated in classes, talents and special skills are valued (in dance, sports, arts, science .........)


lstituto Comprensivo "Cecrope Barilli" - Montechiarugolo Parma 


is part of the network 


"Scuola Senza Zaino "


Read the article


Marco Orsi et Maria Paola Pietropaolo


"Una scuola inclusiva in quanto globale"

.....that is noticeable is the posture of the teachers: they do not try to control everything systematically in their class. They trust and have EMPATHY


Systematically reinforced positively in their success, the students are left free of their choice to increase their motivation and they are empowered from kindergarten.


The European team discovers the Italian educational system at Istituto Comprensivo "Cecrope Barilli" Montechiarugolo Parma


"We were able to discover the Italian education system and we found that all children with disabilities were enrolled in mainstream schools.

There are no specialized institutions and classes dedicated to children with disabilities.

In Italy, all children with disabilities are welcomed and educated in ordinary schools from nursery school and throughout the schooling curriculum: kindergarten, elementary school, college, general high school and apprenticeships, university.

When a child is recognized as disabled, a specialized support teacher is automatically assigned to the class in addition to the teacher.

When the handicap is very important an educator is added to this device. This educator is an employee of a social service provider dedicated to people. This provider is dependent on the municipalities.

The missions of each are clear.

Specialized pedagogy is the norm for all: "the special normality".  

23rd and 25th of October 2018 Montechiarugolo, IT: a stage for the elaboration of the ERASMUS + training module

On October 25, 2017, social inclusion: Parma makes school with a conference in Corte Giarola and a visit to the Vigheffio farm

In the press ...


- the website of   Emilie- Romagne rubrique SANTE 




- ilPARMENSE.net 







Marisa Orsi, Erasmus + Project Manager, speaks on behalf of the organizing team of the fourth transnational meeting in Montechiarugolo, Parma, IT

"Three intense days: conferences , classroom visits  in the Institute , group work, walk to the Montechiarugolo Castle , theatrical performance at the farm of Vigheffio, the continuous confrontation of ideas and different cultures, conversations in the  7 languages of the partnership .. a lot of work but f the enthusiasm and a great satisfaction.

More and more convinced that diversity is a wealth ...... And that united Europe is an important objective to value and preserve

Thank you very much to all the colleagues of the Italian team and to all the European partners who contributed to make this meeting unique."